{ "basePath":"https://api1.ibmmarketingcloud.com/rest", "resourcePath": "/events", "apis":[ { "path":"/events/errors", "description":"Retrieve event submission errors.", "operations":[ { "method":"GET", "summary":"Retrieve event submission errors", "notes":"Use this API to periodically check to see if any of your event submissions have failed validation.
This is testing markup.", "nickname":"event-errors-get", "responseClass":"void", "parameters":[ { "paramType":"query", "name":"filter", "description":"optional filter parameter. learn more about filters here", "dataType":"String", "required":false, "allowMultiple":false, "default":"errorId=0" } ] } ] }, { "path":"/events/submission", "description":"Submit new behavioral events", "operations":[ { "method":"POST", "summary":"Submit new behavioral events", "notes":"", "nickname":"event-submission-post", "responseClass":"void", "parameters":[ { "paramType":"body", "description":"List of event objects. Of the three fields 'contactId', 'encodeContactId', and 'channel' only one is needed. If more than one is provided the priority is as follows: 1. contactId 2. encodeContactId 3. channel", "dataType":"RawEventEnvelope", "required":true } ] } ] } ], "models": { "RawEvent": { "properties" : { "eventTypeCode": { "type": "int", "description": "Code representing the type of event" }, "eventTimestamp": { "type": "Date", "description": "Event timestamp represented in a String as per RFC 3339 ('1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00')" }, "contactId": { "type": "long", "description": "Optional identifier of a contact that is used to match to a contact" }, "encodeContactId": { "type": "string", "description": "Optional encoded identifier of a contact that is used to match to a contact" }, "attributes": { "type": "Array", "description": "List of the attributes describing the event", "items":{ "$ref":"RawAttributeValue" } }, "channel": { "type": "channel", "description": "Consent data from a consent record", "$ref":"channel" } } }, "channel": { "properties" : { "channelType": { "type": "String", "description": "channel type for consent record" }, "qualifier": { "type": "String", "description": "qualifier for consent record" }, "destination": { "type": "String", "description": "destination value for consent record" } } }, "RawAttributeValue": { "properties" : { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "Name of the attribute" }, "value": { "type": "string", "description": "The attribute's value" } } }, "RawEventEnvelope": { "properties" : { "events":{ "type":"Array", "description":"events that you want to submit", "items":{ "$ref":"RawEvent" } } } } } }